• Promer is committed
    durably for the
    Environmental Protection

    By supporting associations for the protection of bees, reforestation and cleaning of the oceans, and internally, putting everything in place for the recycling of all of our waste.

  • Keep your customers loyal!
    We create labels to your brand!

    Customizing the labels of our products to your brand is a real asset seduction to loyal customers. A unique and exceptional service made possible by our agility, to satisfy you.

  • Quick delivery,
    everywhere in France in 7 working days

    Our teams put everything in place to meet our commitments and deliver on time. Track the status of your order and its routing from your personal space.

  • Nos solutions de gel hydroalcoolique pour combattre la transmission des virus et bactéries du 125ml au 1000L.

For 100 years, PROMER offers a wide range of detergents and cleaning products. Quality, safety and the environment are among the pillars of Promer to offer you products combining technology and performance. A committed family business, we place your satisfaction at the heart of our business.


We offer our customers the customization of labels to their brand.

Même pour de petites séries, c'est simple, rapide et sans minimum imposé ! Choisissez votre produit, votre emballage et nous nous occupons du reste. Retrouvez toutes vos FDS online, dans votre espace personnalisé, elles sont mises à jour automatiquement.

Accessibility 2.0

Nous avons créer un espace de travail dédié pour vous !

You will be able to more easily access your articles, your supports and manage your orders in one place.

We answer your questions faster with our instant messenger

Sustainable commitments

Au delà de nos certifications ISO 14001 et de la Charte du nettoyage durable, nous agissons quotidiennement sur l'ensemble du cycle de vie du produit pour contribuer à un monde meilleur.

Nous compensons la totalité des émissions carbones produites par notre activité grâce à nos opérations Bee-acting, Tree-acting et Sea-acting.