A certified company

Our company is certified under several standards which guarantee that our global management system is regularly audited, optimised and that we are constantly improving.
Here are the different standards on which we are evaluated each year in order to continue to improve our Quality - Safety - Environment approach.

In 2008 we were certified ISO 9001. This standard ensures that our global approach places us in a process of constant improvement.

En 2009, nous avons été certifiés selon la norme OHSAS 18001, puis en 2021 selon la norme ISO 45001 sur la santé et la sécurité des personnes.

In 2008, we were certified to ISO 14001. This standard ensures that the ecological dimension of the production process is measured, and that we reduce the impact of our activity on the environment on a daily basis.

In 2016 we were assessed according to the ISO 50001 standard. This standard ensures improved energy performance.

In 2017 we were certified to the ISO 26000 standard. This standard is a CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) approach to assessing organizations' commitment to sustainable development as well as their overall performance.

En 2022, nous obtenons avec succès la certification ISO 27001 pour la maîtrise de notre système de management de la sécurité des système d'information.