For the period from 01/01/2022 to 07/02/2025
Vous avez contribué au parrainage de 3 279 345 bee(s)

For the period from 01/01/2018 to 07/02/2025
Vous avez contribué à la plantation de 6 156 tree(s)

For the period from 01/01/2018 to 07/02/2025
Vous avez contribué au nettoyage de 565 089 m² d'océan
ISO 50001 certification attests to responsible and well thought-out energy management
- Fossil fuel phase-out: no more gas and Green Energy electricity contract
- Hybrid or electric company cars
- The lighting is exclusively LED and operates with presence detectors
- Individually and time-controlled heating systems
- Automatic variable speed compressor control (only if required)
- Turning on air conditioners and heaters when the temperature is below 10°C
- Installation of variable frequency drives on all electric motors
- All computers are low power mini PCs
- Offsetting the carbon footprint by planting trees with Planète Urgence
Optimised transport
- Grouping of batches to reduce CO² emissions per Kg/Km transported
- 80% private transport avoids many load breaks
- Private transport is carried out with trucks running on ethanol (biofuel)
Heritage industrial bâtiment renovation
- Less carbon released by renovation than construction
- Reinforced insulation
- Installation of solar panels to achieve a positive energy balance .
ISO 14001 certification defines the criteria for an environmental management system
- Elimination of rinsing water discharges (without treatment, only by storage and reintroduction)
- Rainwater harvesting for manufacturing
- Progressive choice of raw materials of plant origin
- Manufacturing of Ecocert products
- Packaging of a wide range of biotechnology products
- Marketing of concentrated products
- Signatory of the Sustainable Cleaning Charter
Lightweight packaging
- Reducing the weight of packaging
- Use and supply of all types of dosing systems
- Choice of dye-free packaging
- Extensive waste sorting for reuse
- Return of certain packaging: containers, drums, pallets
- Sea Acting sponsorship
- Participation in waste collection by employees
ISO 9001 certification provides guarantees in terms of organisational quality.
Certification ISO 45001 takes into account the risks and opportunities.
- Total digital transition no more computer input (other than texts)
- Paperless: no more printers except for delivery notes and pallet identification sheets
- Full dematerialisation of documents in-house
- Dematerialisation of pay slips
- Dematerialisation of supplier invoices
- No more paper filing
- Telework encouraged (22% of hours worked)
Protect and Develop
- Hive sponsorship (100+ hives sponsored or in progress)
- Birdhouses incorporated into walls
- Lights out at night